Monday, 28 February 2011
Los colores
Los colores
Some simple sentences in Spanish
Hola todo!
mi - my
muy - very
El programa es interesante.
The programme is interesting.
To change the sentence into a question put the verb before the noun.
Es interesante el programa?
Si señor, el programa es interesante.
Es interesante el programa?
Si señor, el programa es muy interesante.
I started using Madrigal's Magic key to Spanish to start with and it really helped me know the sentence structure and introduced me to a good list of English vocabulary which can be converted to spanish vocabulary using simple rules.
In the first chapter, there is a reminder card that helps us convert English-Spanish.
Words ending in -OR,-Al,-BLE are same in English and Spanish.
Slight changes
IC in English becomes ICO in spanish
1. -OR (identical)
el doctor
el actor
2. -AL (identical)
el animal
3. -BLE(identical)
el cable
el Atlántico
el presidente
el restaurante
el dentista
el pianista
7. OUS = OSO
la invitaCIÓN
la conversaCIÓN
la acCIÓN
la discuSIÓN
Most of the adjectives in English end in ous.
So they become -oso
ambitious = ambicioso
etc. For all the words above just change oso = ous to get the equivalent English adjectives.
Since we know a number of adjectives we can form simple sentences like
El dentista es muy religioso.
El priesta es muy religioso
El actor es muy popular.
El actor es muy nervioso.
El animal es muy monstroso.
El hotel es muy famoso.
In a similar way as described above, we can change the English words to their Spanish equivalent using the above rules.
So now we can form simple sentences if we know the noun and few adjectives.. While learning nouns since every word has a gender in Spanish it is necessary that we learn with the el or la before of the noun.
For eg,
doctor - el doctor
el pianista(pianist)
el turista(tourist)
Try translating the following sentences from Spanish to English.
El hotel es excelente.
El sopa es muy caliente.
El actor es muy ambicioso.
El programa es muy interesante.
El libro es muy famoso.
Adios para ahora.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Los tres osos
I am back after a short holiday break in Brussels. Well, most of the people we met knew English so no problem managing in English. But I could understand some basic questions posed by few people in French. Questions like "what's your name?" posed to my daughter. "how old are you?" etc. Then of course Bon Journee, bon jour and bon soir and merci. It was good though as everywhere we went we saw two languages being used, one was French and then Dutch. Also learnt some signs on the way. Exit, Emergency etc.
So why am I writing about French in my spanish blog.. Just like that.. I was not practising my spanish for about a week. So I am starting again and wish I would be regular.
So today(hoy), now(ahora) I am going to translate a story (traducir un cuento del Español al Inglés) from Spanish to English. So "English" es Inglés en Español y "Spanish" es Español en Español.
That was a funny sentence I made up.
So here goes the story, the story of three bears.
The story is called "Los tres osos"
Before I begin the story, followed by the translation, few grammar notes. Every object in spanish has a gender either feminine or masculine. For masculine objects, we use el and for feminine objects we use la for the definite article "the".
The bear = el oso
so the plural, is just add s as in English.
Osos and the el becomes Los. so it is Los Osos.
Los is plural for el.
If the object is of feminine gender, then it would be Las.
Tres es "Three".
We will also discuss the use of verbs tener, haber and use of adjectives in this lesson.
some translation of commonly used words
and = y
un/una = a(masc/fem)/an
muy = very
casa = house
puerta = door
ventana = window
cerca = near
bosque = forest
buenos = good
para = for
pero = but
porque = because/why
So, now for the story.
Los Tres Osos
Cerca de un bosque hermoso vivían tres osos. Estos osos eran muy buenos y amables. Habían construido una casa comóda solamente con una puerta y una ventana. Uno de los osos era muy pequeño, uno de tamaño mediano y el otro muy grande.
Tenían en la casa todo lo necesario. Tenían un plato pequeño para el oso pequeño, un plato mediano para el oso mediano, y un plato grande para el oso grande. Tenían una silla pequeño para oso pequeño, una silla mediana para el oso mediano, y una silla grande para el oso grande.
Tenían una cama pequeña para el oso pequeño, una cama mediana para el oso mediano, y una cama grande para el oso grande. Y esto era todo.
Una mañana tenían sopa para el almuerzo. Echaron la sopa en los platos. Pero la sopa estaba tan caliente que no podían tocarla con la lengua. Los osos, como Vds. saben, no emplean ni cucharas, ni cuchillos, ni tenedores. Los platos de sopa estaban en el suelo, porque los osos no emplean mesas.
- Vamos a dar un paseo, - dijo el oso grande; - y cuando volvamos podemos tomar la sopa.
Los osos tenían hambre, mucha hambre, pera eran muy pacientes y salieron todos a dar un paseo por el bosque; primero el oso grande, después el oso mediano y por ùltimo el oso pequeño.
Poco despuès entrò una niña en el bosque. Viò la pequeña casa pero no sabía de quién era. Pensaba que la casa era muy hermosa y quería entrar para verla. Así, llamó a la puerta.
Nadie respondió. Ella creía que todas las personas de la casa estaban dormidas. Llamó otra vez, pero nadie respondió. Ahora creía la niña que nadie estaba en la casa. Abriò la puerta y entró. Todo parecía tan comódo que quería quedarse allí algunos minutos. Estaba muy cansada y quería descansar.
Viò la niña los tres platos en el suelo. Tenía mucha hambre y quería probar la sopa. Probò la sopa que estaba en el plato grande. Estaba muy fría. Entonces probó la sopa que estaba en el plato mediano; pero estaba muy caliente. Entonces probó la sopa que estaba en el plato pequeño y le gustó tanto que se la tomó toda.
Al otro lado del cuarto estaban las tres sillas. La niña quería descansar antes de ir a casa.
Primero probó la silla grande; pero era muy alta. Después probó la silla mediana; pero era muy ancha. Por último probó la silla pequeña; pero al sentarse en ella la hizo pedazos.
Luego vió las camas en la alcoba, y quería dormir la siesta antes de ir a casa.
Primero probó la cama grande; pero era demasiado blanda. Después probó la cama mediana; pero era demasiado dura. Por último probó la cama pequeña y como era muy cómoda y le gustó, se echó en ella y se durmió.
Mientras dormía los tres osos volvieron a casa. Tenían hambre después de su paseo y querían tomar la sopa. El oso grande levantó su plato y bramó:
!Alguien ha probado mi sopa!
Entonces el oso mediano levantó su plato y gruñó:
!Alguien ha probado mi sopa también!
Por último el oso pequeño levantó su plato y gritó:
!Alguien ha probado mi sopa y se la ha tomado!
Entonces fueron todos al otro lado del cuarto a sentarse en sus sillas. Primero el oso grande probó su silla y bramó:
!Alguien se ha sentado en mi silla!
Entonces el oso mediano probó su silla y gruñó:
!Alguien se ha sentado en mi silla también!
Entonces el oso pequeño probó su silla y gritó:
!Alguien se ha sentado en mi silla y la ha hecho pedazos!
Después entraron todos en la alcoba. El oso grande fué el primero que vió su cama y bramó:
!Alguien ha dormido en mi cama!
Entonces el oso mediano vió su cama y gruñó:
!Alguien ha dormido en mi cama también!
Por último vió su cama y gritó con voz aguda:
!Alguien ha dormido en mi cama y aquí está!
Este ruido despertó a la niña. Cuando abrió los ojos y vió a los osos, estaba muy asustada. Se levantó y huyó de la casa. Los tres osos fueron a la puerta para mirar tras ella. Vieron que ella corría por el bosque hacia su casa. No la persiguieron, porque eran buenos y amables. Y eso es todo lo que sé acerca de la niña y de los tres osos que vivían en el hermoso bosque en la pequeña casa con solamente una ventana y una puerta.
The Three Bears
Near a beautiful(hermoso) forest(bosque) lived(vivían) three bears. Those bears were very good and kindly. They had constructed a comfortable house with just a door and a window. One of the bears was small, one was medium sized(tamaño) and the other(otro) one(uno) was very(muy) big(grande).
They had everything necessary in the house. They had a small plate for the small bear, medium plate for the medium bear, and a big plate for the big bear. They had a small chair for the small bear, a medium chair for the medium bear and a big chair for the big bear. They had a small bed for the small bear, medium bed for the medium bear and a big bed for the big bear. And
that was all.
One morning they had soup for their breakfast(almuerza). They poured the soup in the plates. But the soup was very hot that they could not take with the tongue. The bears, as you know, don't use knifes, spoons or forks. The soup plates were on the floor, because they did not use tables.
- Let's take a walk, - said the big bear; and when we come back we can have our soup.
The bears are hungry, very hungry but they are very patient and they all go to have a work in th forest; first the big bear, then the medium bear and finally the small bear.
Shortly afterwards a girl enters in the forest. She sees the small house but does not know whose it is. She thinks that the house is very beautifuly and desires to enter to view the house. Then, she calls near the door.
There is no response. She thinks that all the people in the house are sleeping. She calls again, but no response. Now she thinks that no one is in the house. She opens the door and enters. All seems very comfortable but desires to stay here for few more minutes. She is very tired and desires to rest.
She sees the three plates on the floor. She is very hungry and desires to taste the soup. She tastes the soup from the big plates. It is very cold. Then she tastes the soup from the medium plate, it is very hot. Then she tastes the soup from the small plate and she loves it very much and takes it all.
In the other side of the room are three chairs. The girl desires to rest before going back to her house.
First she tries the big chair; but it is very tall. Then the medium chair; it is very wide. She tries the last small chair; but when she sits on it, it breaks to pieces.
She sees the beds in the bedroom and desires to take a small nap before going home.
First she tries the big bed; but it is very soft. Then she tries the medium bed, but it is very hard. Then she tries the last small bed and finds it very comfortable and she loves and she lies down and sleeps.
While she is sleeping, the three bears get back to their house. They are hungry after the walk and they desire to take the soup. The big bear lifts his plate and shouts:
Someone has tasted my soup.
Then the medium bear lifts his plate and shouts:
Someone has tasted my soup too.
Then the last small bear lifts his plate and cries:
Someone has tasted my soup and had it all.
Then they went across to see who was sitting on their chairs. First the big bear finds his chair and says:
Someone has sat on my chair.
Then the medium bear finds his chair and shouts:
Someone has sat on my chair too.
Then the last small bear finds his chair and cries:
Someone has also sat on my chair and has broken it.
After that they enter the bedroom. The big bear was the first and see his bed and says:
Some has slept on my bed.
Then the medium bear sees his bed and shouts:
Some has slept on my bed too.
For the last small bear sees his bed and cries with an acute voice:
Some has slept on my bed and is here!
This noise wakes the girl. When she opens her eyes and see the bears, she is very scared. She gets up and runs out of the house. The three bears were at the door to have a look at her. They saw her run through the forest towards her house. They don't pursue her for they are very good and kindly. And that's the last of her they see and the tree bears live in their beautiful forest in their beautiful house that just had a window and a door.
That's the end of the beautiful story. So the girl is Goldilocks. Goldilocks and the three bears.
It was indeed a big story. I started working on it yesterday for an hour and today for almost an hour. That's good practise for me then.
Well, the story had quite a number of new verbs and adjectives.
So we will have a look at the various verbs and their conjugations now.
vivían - we encounter at the start of the story.
vivir = to live (the infinitive)
The conjugations are for present indicative.
yo vivo - I live
tú vives - You live
él/usted vive - He/she/it lives
nosotros vivimos - we live
vosotros vivís - you(plural) live
ellos/ustedes viven - they live
tú vives - You live
él/usted vive - He/she/it lives
nosotros vivimos - we live
vosotros vivís - you(plural) live
ellos/ustedes viven - they live
Since the story is in past tense, we have to see the past tense of vivir
yo vivía - I lived
tú vivías - You lived
él/usted vivía - He/she/it lived
nosotros vivíamos - we lived
vosotros vivíais - you(plural) lived
ellos/ustedes vivían - they lived -This is the verb used in the story right at the first sentence.
tú vivías - You lived
él/usted vivía - He/she/it lived
nosotros vivíamos - we lived
vosotros vivíais - you(plural) lived
ellos/ustedes vivían - they lived -This is the verb used in the story right at the first sentence.
Cerca de un bosque hermoso vivían tres osos.
Near a beautiful forest lived three bears.
Cerca = near
bosque = forest
hermoso = beautiful
vivían = lived
tres = three
osos = bears.
haber = to have
Present Indicative:
yo he
tú has
él/usted ha
nosotros hemos
vosotros habéis
ellos/ustedes han
yo he
tú has
él/usted ha
nosotros hemos
vosotros habéis
ellos/ustedes han
yo había
tú habías
él/usted había
nosotros habíamos
vosotros habíais
ellos/ustedes habían
yo había
tú habías
él/usted había
nosotros habíamos
vosotros habíais
ellos/ustedes habían
I think it is better we discuss the other verb conjugations in the next post.
Friday, 18 February 2011
I am translating a lesson from Spanish reader by E.S. Harrison. I find this reader quite interesting as it introduces to various grammatical concepts in a slow and steady pace. So this chapter introduces us to the various conjugations of "ir" - to go verb.
El Cuento del Pollo (The story of a chicken)
Un dia un pollo entra en un bosque. Una bellota cae en su cabeza. El pobre pollo cree que el cielo ha caido sobre el. Corre para informar al rey.
En el camino encuentra una gallina.
-?A donde vas? - pregunta una gallina.
-!Oh! - dice el pollo,- el cielo ha caido en mi cabeza y voy a informar al rey.
- Yo voy tambien, si quieres, - responde la gallina y se marchan juntos el pollo y la gallina al palacio del rey.
En el camino encuentran un gallo.
?A donde va?-pregunta el gallo a la gallina.
!Oh!-dice la gallina - el cielo ha caido sobre la cabeza del pobre pollo y vamos a informar al rey.
-Yo voy tambien, si quieres, - responde el gallo y se marchan juntos el pollo, la gallina y el gallo al palacio del rey.
En el camino encuentran un pato.
!?A donde vas? - pregunta el pato al gallo.
!oh! - dice el gallo, - el cielo ha caido en la cabeza del pobre pollo y vamos a informar al rey.
Yo voy tambien, si quieres-responde el pato y se marchan juntos el pollo, la gallina, el gallo y el pato al palacio del rey.
En el camino encuentran un ganso.
?A donde vas?-pregunta el ganso al pato.
Oh! dice el pato - el cielo ha caido en la cabeza del pobre pollo y vamos a informar al rey.
Yo voy tambien, si quieres,-responde el ganso y se marchan juntos el pollo, la gallina, el gallo, el pato y el ganso al palacio del rey.
En el camino encuentran un pavo. El pavo quiere ir con ellos a informar al rey que el cielo ha caido. Ninguno de los pobres animales sabe el camino.
En este momento encuentran una zorra. La zorra dice que quiere ensenarles el camnio al palacio del rey. Todos van con ella, pero ella los conduce a su cubil.
Aqui la zorra y sus cachorros se comen el pobre pollo y la gallina y el gallo y el pato el ganso y el pavo.
Los pobres no van al palacio y no pueden informar al rey que el cielo ha caido sobre la cabeza del pobre pollo.
This is "The story of the chicken"
One day a chicken enters a forest. An acorn falls on its head. The poor chicken thinks that the sky has fallen on it. It runs to inform the king.
On its way it encounters a hen.
"Where are you going?", questions the hen.
Oh!, says the chicken,- the sky has fallen on my head and I am going to inform the king.
I will also come, if you want, - responds the hen and they march together the chicken and the hen to the King's palace.
On their way they encounter a rooster.
"Where are you going?", questions the rooster to the hen.
Oh!, says the hen - the sky has fallen on the poor chicken's head and we are going to inform the king.
I will also come, if you want - responds the rooster and they march together, the chicken, hen and the rooster to the King's palace.
On their way they encounter a duck.
"Where are you going?", questions the duck to the rooster.
oh!, says the rooster - the sky has fallen on poor chicken's head and we are going to ifnorm the king.
I will also come, if you want - responds the duck and they march together, the chicken, hen, rooster and the duck to the King's palace.
On their way they encounter a goose.
"Where are you going?", questions the goose to the duck.
Oh! says the duck - the sky has fallen on the head of the poor chicken and we are going to inform the king.
I will also come, if you want- responds the goose and they march together, the chicken, hen, rooster, duck and goose to the King's palace.
On their walk they encounter a turkey.
The turkey wants to go with them to inform the king that the sky has fallen. None of the poor animals know the way.
In that moment, they encounter a fox. The fox says that it wants teach the way to King's palace. All of them walk with her, but she leads them to her lair.
Here the fox and her puppies eat the poor chicken and the hen and the duck and the rooster and the goose.
The poor animals did not go to the palace and inform the king that the sky has fallen on the poor chicken's head.
This lesson introduces you to five birds and an animal.
This lesson introduces the ir - to go verb with its various forms.
voy, vas, vamos and van.
(yo) voy - I go
(tu) vas - you go
(nosotros) vamos - we go
(ellos, ellas) van - they go
This was indeed an interesting read..
Hoy es 18(dieceocho) de febrero de 2011. Ahora, es neuvo de la mañana de 18 de febrero de 2011. Vi un video gracioso en el que el heroe enseña la heroina a romper un huevo.
Primero, la heroina tiene un rodillo a romper un huevo. A continuacion, ella usos una cuchillo para romper un huevo. El heroe se frustra y golpea su mano en la cabeza. La heroina piensa esa es la manera a romper un huevo y golpea el huevo en la cabeza.
Es gracioso.
Well, let me explain what I am trying to convey. I am not sure with the translation. I saw a funny video in which the hero is teaching the heroine to break an egg. . I need to mention, the hero's mother is in the room and the hero is near the door. She does not know that he is standing there and the heroine is wondering how to break the egg. So he tries to teach her in actions so that his mother does not know that the heroine does not know to cook.
Firstly, the heroine takes a rolling pin to break the egg. Then, she uses a knife to break the egg(she is actually trying to cut it). The hero is frustrated with what she is doing and bangs his head with his hand and the heroine does the same with the egg and has the yolk all over her face.
It is funny.
I tried to convey it in spanish but really don't know how to put them in spanish. Can anyone help me out?
?alguien puede ayudarme?
One of ex-colleagues posted this video on facebook and when I tried to give a link I don't see how. Maybe it is uploaded to facebook directly.. so not able to post the link. I am trying in google, but without knowing the movie name it will be difficult.. Was not lucky this time...
Thursday, 17 February 2011
This is someone's message I got on the net. I will try to translate it for today.
La felicidad
La felicidad no se construye con grandes golpes de fortuna, los cuales pocas veces se presentan, sino de pequeños placeres que se presentan cada dia, aunque la vida nos enseña que no podemos ser felices sino es pagando el precio de cierta ignorancia, incluso alguna vez con una buena salud y una mala misma felicidad consiste principalmente en conformarse con la suerte, y querer ser lo que uno mismo es, hay momentos que pienso que solo puede ser feliz quien sepa ser feliz con todo. en todo hay algo bueno algo que te llena, aunque sea un imposible....el simple, o propio deseo te puede hacer extraordinariamente feliz.The happiness
The happiness does not come with great blows of fortune, which rarely occurs, but small pleasures that occur everyday, although life teaches us that we cannot be happy without paying for some precious ignorance, including some times with one's good health and a bad memory. The same happiness is mainly to comply with the luck, and to wish to be same as, I think there are moments where one can be happy when he is happy with all. In all there some good and some that is full, although it is impossible.. the simple or proper desire can to be extremely happy.
I don't know how good the translation is. I used google translate for words which I did not know. But I need to contact the author whom I don't know to see if it is correct or not and does it convey the message he is trying to tell us. I don't know the author, so I leave it at that. As I continue to learn Spanish, one day I can I can come back and correct it.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
So I saw the movie Left Luggage and ended up in tears. Excellent movie and everyone in the movie had done justice to their roles. I liked the protagonist in the movie Chaja. So the trail of "Nunca te vayas sin decir te quiero" led to watching the movie "Left Luggage" and the movie left me emotionally drained. As one grows older ones addictions become obsessions. We become stereotyped. Doing the same thing again and again.
"Nunca te vayas sin decir te quiero" - Never leave without saying I love you.
Wish I can find someone with whom I can practise my spanish.
Yo quiero buscar alguien para practicar mi espanol.
So what am I going to practise today?
Maybe a lesson from Spanish reader.
An Elementary Spanish reader by M. MONTROSE RAMSEY
El Continente Americano - The American Continent.
I would like to type the full lesson and then try to do the translation. So I practise writing spanish and also I can try to understand while I type and then do a translation.
El continente de America constituye un a de las cinco grandes divisiones del globo terrestre. Su extension superficial llega con corta diferencia a quince millones de millas cuadradas, y por consiguiente ocupa un area cuatro veces mas grande que la de Europa. De toda la parte solida de nuestro globo, casi la tercera parte pertenece al continente americano con las islas que dependen de el.
So let me translate this paragraph before moving to the next one.
The American continent constitutes five big divisions in the terrestrial globe. The superficial divisions have short differences and fifteen million square miles, and consequently occupies an area four times much bigger than Europe. Of all the solid part of our land, nearly one-third belongs to the American continent with the islands that depend on it.
Su territorio se extiende sin interrupcion alguna deste Punta Barrow, cuyas rocas se hunden en el Oceano Artico, hasta la extremidad de Patagonia, situada tan solo a treinta grados del Polo Sur.
Its territories extend without interruption from Point Barrow, whose rocks sink in the Arctic Ocean, until the extremity of Patagonia, situated only thirty degrees to the South Pole.
That's it for today. I just now saw that the lesson is very very big. So will continue with the lesson tomorrow.
have a great day.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
"nunca te vayas sin decir te quiero" saw this phrase in someone's facebook status.
Maybe I should find out if the book is in the library. what about watching the movie??
"Never leave without saying I love you". This is the translation I found from google translate. I rely on google translate a lot if I come across some phrase which I am not able to decipher. But I really don't know how good the google translate is.
I know nunca is never
decir - to say
quiero is I want - just now got saw the phrase in Vocabulary for GCSE Spanish.
Quiero este empleo porque .. I want this job because ..
Then why does it translate to I love you. Maybe te quiero means I love you.. I have to try it out again.
So the search for te quiero leads to page where it says te quiero or te amo are ways of saying I love you.
So I come to this forum where people discuss about this.
So it says te quiero
querer - to want, love or wish.
te - is indirect object meaning you.
So you say te amo for anyone intimate and te quiero need not always mean I love you porque
we can use te quiero to say I want as well like in the phrase
No quiero hacerlo. - I don't want to do it.
yo te quiero - I love you.
Then there is a link in the forum to a poem "un te amo" An "I love you"
It had been a really busy week for me. I could not get my spanish book from my book shelf. I was busy working for my website Just now got the time to take my GCSE Spanish vocabulary book and seeing it after a long time since I took it from the library. My spanish collection of books is growing at a steady pace, that is good news(buenas noticias). Maybe I may add a book(libre) or two later next month(mes) to my collection if(si) I save some money(dinero).
So back to where I started..
"nunca te vayas sin decir te quiero", I copy this phrase in google and end up
spanish wiki.
That is going to be a interesting read. I will try how good my spanish is.
Left Luggage es una película de 1998, dirigida por Jeroen Krabbé. Protagonizada por Laura Fraser, Adam Monty, Jeroen Krabbé, Isabella Rossellini y Maximilian Schell en los papeles principales. Basada en el libro de Carl Friedman Twee Koffers Vol. Recibió tres premios en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Berlín.
Left luggage is a 1998 movie, dirigida?? for Jeroen Krabbe. The Protagonists are Laura Fraser, Adam Monty, Jeroen Krabbe, Isabella Rossellini and Maximilian Schell in the papeles?? main characters. Basada??- (must be based) on the book of Carl Friedman Twee Koffers Vol(so this is dutch - that is what google says meaning Two Suitcases full).
It received three nominations(??) in the Berlin International Film Festival.
el premio - prize, reward, award
It received three awards in the Berlin International Film Festival.
So should I try to see the page with google translate.. Before that let me get the meanings of dirigida. So I take my Collins easy learning spanish dictionary and look for the word dirigida later on I would use google translate.
dirigir - to manage, to lead, to aim at, to direct, to conduct.
so it could be director. If so It is Left Luggage is a 1998 movie, directed by Jeroen Krabbe.
Protoganista - the main characters
El protagonista no muere en la pelicula. (i has the accent) The main character doesn't die in the movie.
El protagonista es Tom Cruise. - Tom Cruise leads the lead.
So the complete translation must be something like this
protagonizada - google translate - starring
Left Luggage is a 1998 movie directed by Jeroen Krabbe. Starring Laura Fraser, Adam Monty, Jeroen Krabbe, Isabella Rossellini and Maximilian Schell in the main roles. Based on the book "Two Suitcases Full" by Carl Friedman ("Twee Koffers Vol" - dutch). It received three awards in the Berlin International Film Festival.
papeles - the roles
el papel- paper, piece of paper, role
Read about the story Left Luggage (in English of course, I don't know dutch yet) with google translate.
Maybe I should find out if the book is in the library. what about watching the movie??
So maybe that it for today. I will look online if the book is in the library. If so, can give a try..
The movie is available online in youtube. But it says it is based on the book Shovel and the loom by Carl Friedman. So now I am going to watch the movie.. Adios, amigos.. Hasta luego.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Was reading a Work unit four
La carta misteriosa
The mysterious letter
Cuando Juanita Pacheco recibe una carta, esta muy sorprendida. Ella abre la carta y lee.
When Juanita (Janie, Jeannie) Pacheco receives a letter, she is very surprised. She opens the letter and reads.
verbs used in the above sentences.
recibir - to receive
leer - to read
abrir - to open
la carta
Juanita Pacheco
sorprendida - surprised
muy - very
muy bien - fine.
So trying to write the sentence as if I am the person.
Recibí una carta de mi amiga después de mucho tiempo. Yo estaba muy sorprendida.
I don't know whether what I wrote is correct but will check up after I come back in the afternoon.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
I am not concentrating on the accents now as I find it very difficult to keep correcting when I blog. My thoughts just follow and I just follow my thoughts.. I don't want to get stuck because of accents and I have to copy and paste the letters.. Maybe I will do it towards the end or tomorrow, as I may fall asleep. letters in bold are accented...
Es una nueva noche. Es medianoche de noveno de febrero de 2011.
Buenas noches, todos. Adios.
Quiero escapar a un sitio/lugar tranquilo.
Es solo un sueno.
Hasta luego.
08 Feb 2011
So let me write today's day and date in spanish.
Hoy es 8 de febrero de 2011. Ahora, es nueve de la mañana de 8 de febrero de 2011.
Estoy aprendiendo a escribir los tiempos en español. Es muy interesante, pero difícil, porque no puedo escribir los acentos en los alfabetos. Tengo que copiar y pegar.
So I(yo) learnt(lernt) a new(nuevo) verb(verbo) today(hoy).
pegar - to glue, or paste. In Tamil, glue is called pasai. Maybe I should relate pasai and pegar to remember the word to paste/to glue in spanish. pagar - salary in hindi.
So in the same thread we can finish off other time related words in spanish
minutes - los minutos
hours - las horas
days - las días
week - la semana
months - las meses
years - los años
the previous week - la semana pasada.
today - hoy
yesterday - ayer (kal in hindi, neththu in tamil, ninna in telugu)
tomorrow - mañana (kal in hindi, naLai in tamil, and repu in telugu)
We saw days of the week in a different blog post. So I won't be going through it again.
Maybe I should include Months of the year. So here we have a go in the same order as English Months,
Trying to remember yesterdays word for enhorabueno is it? Let me have a look..
well, it is partly correct the final letter is wrong. It is enhorabuena/felicaticiones.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Again a new start - a nuevo comienzo.
This is the third time in the last year, that I am doing this. Trying to begin a new start. I was just wondering if I should include some local language words(Tamil, hindi, telugu etc) to make it more interesting. I had been really busy. It is four months since my last post. Had been a bit busy with other stuff and so I did not really get to study spanish. But had been lucky to get a Spanish book from the library.
Barron's Spanish - The easy way
Really love this book. I like the crosswords and the articles at the start of every lesson, but I had not been concentrating on the grammar and exercises. Its been a while since I read the book. So have to refresh again. It lies on my desk now while I am typing.
So let me begin with the first chapter of the book.
La casa - The House (Home).
The first lesson is picture vocabulary.
What are the words I learn in this lesson
la cocina - the kitchen
la lámpara - the lamp
el radio - the radio
el teléfono - the telephone
el hermano - brother
el muchacho - the boy
el hermana - sister
el muchacha - the girl
el televisor - the television
la mesa - the table - in tamil, table is mesai.
el gato - the cat - in tamil, cat is poonai
el disco compacto - CD
el padre - father - in tamil, it is thandai
la madre - mother - in tamil, it is annai
la flor - the flower
la puerta - the door - kadavu(tamil), darwaza(in hindi), talupu(telugu)
la ventana - the window - jannal(tamil), kidki(hindi), katakatalu(telugu)
la sala - the living room.
¿Es la lámpara? No, señor, no es la lámpara. Es el gato.
¿Que? - what? - in hindi, kya?
¿Quién? - who? - in hindi, kaun?
¿Dónde? - where? - in hindi, kaha?
¿Cómo es - what is .... like? in hindi, kaisa hai?
So in the first lesson I learnt some basic vocabulary about the house and how to ask few questions. So what does Madrigal say about forming sentences?
Let us have a go in the next lesson.
So I end this post with
¿Que tal? - ¿what's up? in a casual way.
¿Que tal, señor?
¿Que tal, señora?
¿Que tal, señorita?
Adiós para ahora.
Barron's Spanish - The easy way
Really love this book. I like the crosswords and the articles at the start of every lesson, but I had not been concentrating on the grammar and exercises. Its been a while since I read the book. So have to refresh again. It lies on my desk now while I am typing.
So let me begin with the first chapter of the book.
La casa - The House (Home).
The first lesson is picture vocabulary.
What are the words I learn in this lesson
la cocina - the kitchen
la lámpara - the lamp
el radio - the radio
el teléfono - the telephone
el hermano - brother
el muchacho - the boy
el hermana - sister
el muchacha - the girl
el televisor - the television
la mesa - the table - in tamil, table is mesai.
el gato - the cat - in tamil, cat is poonai
el disco compacto - CD
el padre - father - in tamil, it is thandai
la madre - mother - in tamil, it is annai
la flor - the flower
la puerta - the door - kadavu(tamil), darwaza(in hindi), talupu(telugu)
la ventana - the window - jannal(tamil), kidki(hindi), katakatalu(telugu)
la sala - the living room.
¿Es la lámpara? No, señor, no es la lámpara. Es el gato.
¿Que? - what? - in hindi, kya?
¿Quién? - who? - in hindi, kaun?
¿Dónde? - where? - in hindi, kaha?
¿Cómo es - what is .... like? in hindi, kaisa hai?
So in the first lesson I learnt some basic vocabulary about the house and how to ask few questions. So what does Madrigal say about forming sentences?
Let us have a go in the next lesson.
So I end this post with
¿Que tal? - ¿what's up? in a casual way.
¿Que tal, señor?
¿Que tal, señora?
¿Que tal, señorita?
Adiós para ahora.
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