Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Lessons for practise in DLI GLOSS

For those of you who want to practise some spanish, I found this website which I find quite useful. http://gloss.dliflc.edu/Default.aspx It has over 6000 lessons in various different languages and it includes spanish. I think there are around 350 lessons there for various levels of spanish. I attempted two lessons there yesterday. Learnt about reflexive nouns(doing things to yourself). I attempted the lesson "A day in the life of Pedro" Use of -se
in words like
levantarse - to awaken onself
ducharse - to shower oneself
cepillarse - to brush oneself
peinarse - to comb oneself
vestirse - to dress oneself
is the link for the above lesson if you want to make an attempt. It is level 1 course. 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


I just copied text from this website http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/areas/literatura-espanola-0/
Nuestra Sección de Literatura presenta reunidas miles de obras digitalizadas en el ámbito de los diferentes géneros literarios y de la historia de la literatura. Novela, teatro, poesía y crítica literaria se dan la mano en este catálogo de la literatura española e iberoamericana que reúne obras de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, de la Real Academia de la Lengua, de otras Academias y Bibliotecas Nacionales de América, y de diversas editoriales. En este espacio se pueden encontrar también ediciones facsímiles, actas de congresos, revistas o manuscritos relacionados con la literatura hispánica e iberoamericana.

I am just attempting to translate few words in the para above.

Nuestra seccion de literatura- our literature section

la Real Academia de la Lengua - The real Language Academy
otras Academias y Bibliotecas Nacionales de América - Other Academies and National libraries of America
Novela, teatro, poesía y crítica literaria - Novel, drama, poetry and critical literature
la literatura hispánica e iberoamericana - The spanish literature or Iberoamerican literature
 revistas o manuscritos  - magazines and manuscripts
relacionados con - related with 

Those who are interested in more stories visit the above link for literature in Spanish.