Monday 29 October 2012

Some Spanish exercises

al- to the,the
alma - soul
amo - master
ave - bird
cama - bed
cansado - tired
da - gives
dado - given
grande - great
la - the
más - more
para - for
planta - plant
vaca - cow
de - of, from
del - of the (de + el)
desea - desires
el - the(masc)
en - in
enero - January
entre - amongst
es - is
está - is
este - this
leche - milk
mesa - table
negro - black
severo - severe
animal - animal
frío - cold
ido - gone
Inglés - Englishman
ira - anger
libre- free
mí - me
rey - king
tí - thee
vino - wine
vive - lives
y - and

color - colour
como - as
con - with
horas - hours
no - no, not
nosotros, we, us
ocho - eight
otro - other
oro - gold
pobre - poor man
somos (we) are
soy (I) am
todo - all
yo - I
otro - other
dulce - sweet
duró - lasted
luna - moon
mucho - much
muy - very
puro - pure
su - his(her,its)
tú - thou
último - last
un, una, a, one
útil - useful

1. El amo es severo.
2. El rey ha ido á la cama.
3. La vaca da leche.
4. Yo soy mas grande.
5. Su color es negro.
6. El mes de enero es frío
7. Un Inglés ha dado oro al pobre.
8. Nosotros somos cansados

1. The master is severe.
2. The king has gone to bed
3. The cow gives milk
4. I am very big.
5. Your color is black
6. The month of January is cold.
7. An Englishman has given gold to the poor man
8. We are tired

I am starting with a new exercise book for my Spanish practise.
The above exercises  are available from A first Spanish reader and writer - 1894(parallel grammar series) available free from the open library.

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