Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Lesson 9 - learn Spanish with Ai

Here's another Spanish paragraph for you to translate:

Durante mis vacaciones de verano, descubrí un pequeño pueblo costero que me dejó maravillado. Las calles estaban adornadas con flores de todos los colores, y los pescadores locales traían pescado fresco cada mañana al mercado. Me hospedé en una casita con vista al mar, donde podía escuchar las olas mientras tomaba mi café matutino. Los habitantes del pueblo eran increíblemente amables y me enseñaron algunas de sus costumbres tradicionales.

Would you like to try translating this paragraph?

During my summer vacation, we discovered a small coastal town that left me amazed. The streets were adorned with colourful flowers and the local fisheries had fresh fish market every morning. I was hosted in a place with the sea view, where I could listen to the sounds while I had my morning coffee. The habitants of the town were incredibly friendly and taught me about some of the their traditional costumes

Let me help you improve your translation. You did well overall, but there are a few details we can refine:

Your translation: "we discovered" Better: "I discovered" (the Spanish "descubrí" is in first person singular)

Your translation: "local fisheries had fresh fish market" Better: "local fishermen brought fresh fish to the market" ("pescadores locales traían" refers to fishermen bringing)

Your translation: "I was hosted in a place" Better: "I stayed in a small house" ("casita" specifically means "small house")

Your translation: "sounds" Better: "waves" ("olas" specifically means "waves")

Your translation: "habitants" Better: "inhabitants" (correct English term)

Your translation: "costumes" Better: "customs" ("costumbres" means traditions/customs, not clothing)

Here's the complete corrected translation:

"During my summer vacation, I discovered a small coastal town that left me amazed. The streets were adorned with flowers of all colors, and the local fishermen brought fresh fish to the market every morning. I stayed in a small house with a view of the sea, where I could hear the waves while having my morning coffee. The inhabitants of the town were incredibly friendly and taught me some of their traditional customs."

Lesson 8 - Learn Spanish with AI


El fin de semana pasado, mi familia y yo fuimos a un pequeño restaurante en el centro de la ciudad. No habíamos estado allí antes, pero un amigo nos lo recomendó. El lugar tenía un ambiente acogedor, con paredes de ladrillo y fotografías antiguas. Pedimos varios platos típicos de la región, y quedamos gratamente sorprendidos por los sabores y la presentación. El chef incluso salió a saludarnos y nos explicó la historia detrás de algunas de las recetas tradicionales.

The last weekend, my family and I went to a small restaurant in the city centre. We hadn’t been there before, but a friend recommended us. The place had a cozy atmosphere, with colourful walls with old photographs. They had various types of dishes of the region, and we were greatly surprised by the flavors and the presentation. The chef came to welcome us and explained us the history behind some of the traditional recipes.

 Let me help you check your translation. You did quite well, but there are a few small details we can improve:

Your translation: "The last weekend"

Better: "Last weekend" (This is the more natural way to say it in English)

Your translation: "recommended us"

Better: "recommended it to us" (needs the object "it" and preposition "to")

Your translation: "with colourful walls with old photographs"

Better: "with brick walls and old photographs" ("paredes de ladrillo" means brick walls, not colorful walls)

Your translation: "They had various types of dishes"

Better: "We ordered several typical dishes" ("Pedimos" means "we ordered")

Here's the complete corrected translation:

"Last weekend, my family and I went to a small restaurant in the city center. We hadn't been there before, but a friend recommended it to us. The place had a cozy atmosphere, with brick walls and old photographs. We ordered several typical dishes from the region, and we were pleasantly surprised by the flavors and presentation. The chef even came out to greet us and explained the history behind some of the traditional recipes."

Lesson 7 - Learn Spanish with AI

 La lluvia caía incesantemente sobre la ciudad, creando un ambiente gris y sombrío. Las calles estaban casi desiertas, solo algunos transeúntes apresurados se aventuraban bajo los paraguas, buscando refugio en los escasos locales abiertos. El viento, frío y húmedo, azotaba las ventanas de las casas, mientras que el ruido constante de la lluvia hacía eco en las aceras vacías."

My translation mostly a guess

The rain poured incessantly over the city, creating a gray and gloomy atmosphere. The streets are deserted everywhere, but some people were walking under the umbrella, looking for a refuge in the local open covered spaces. The wind cold and humid, pouring on the house windows, afraid that the constant rain will make the nearby places wet.

Ruido - noise

Hacia - made

Eco - echoed 

Aceras vacias - sidewalk

Your translation is a good start, but here's a more accurate and natural-sounding version:

"The rain fell incessantly over the city, creating a gray and gloomy atmosphere. The streets were almost deserted, only a few hurried passersby ventured out under umbrellas, seeking refuge in the few open establishments. The wind, cold and humid, lashed against the windows of the houses, while the constant noise of the rain echoed on the empty sidewalks."

Here's a breakdown of the changes:

  • "The streets are deserted everywhere": This sounds a bit awkward. "The streets were almost deserted" is more natural.
  • "some people were walking under the umbrella": This should be "some hurried passersby ventured out under umbrellas".
  • "looking for a refuge in the local open covered spaces": This is a bit convoluted. "seeking refuge in the few open establishments" is simpler and more concise.
  • "The wind cold and humid, pouring on the house windows": This should be "The wind, cold and humid, lashed against the windows of the houses". "Lashed" better conveys the forceful nature of the wind.
  • "afraid that the constant rain will make the nearby places wet": This doesn't quite make sense in the context of the original paragraph. "while the constant noise of the rain echoed on the empty sidewalks" better captures the overall atmosphere.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Lesson 6 -learn Spanish with AI

 Original Spanish: "El mundo de la música clásica contemporánea está experimentando una revolución silenciosa. Compositores de diversas partes del mundo están desafiando las fronteras tradicionales, mezclando elementos de música folklórica, jazz y sonidos electrónicos. Esta nueva generación de músicos busca crear experiencias sonoras que reflejen la complejidad de la identidad cultural en un mundo globalizado. Sus composiciones no solo rompen esquemas musicales, sino que también narran historias de migración, mestizaje cultural y transformación social."

Your Translation: "The world of contemporary classical music is experiencing a silent revolution. Composers from diverse parts of the world are fighting the traditional frontiers, mixing the elements of folk music, jazz and electronic sounds. This new musical generation is long to create sound experiences that reflect the complexity of the cultural identity of the global world. These compositions are not just breaking the structure of musicals, but hey are also narrating the story of migration, cultural complexity and social transformation"


  • "fighting the traditional frontiers" → should be "challenging the traditional boundaries"
  • "is long to create" → doesn't make sense; should be "seeks to create"
  • "cultural identity of the global world" → awkward; better "cultural identity in a globalized world"
  • "breaking the structure of musicals" → should be "breaking musical structures"
  • Typo: "hey are" → should be "they are"
  • Lost some nuance in the original text about cultural mixing (mestizaje)

A more precise translation would be: "The world of contemporary classical music is experiencing a silent revolution. Composers from diverse parts of the world are challenging traditional boundaries, mixing elements of folk music, jazz, and electronic sounds. This new generation of musicians seeks to create sound experiences that reflect the complexity of cultural identity in a globalized world. Their compositions not only break musical structures but also narrate stories of migration, cultural mixing, and social transformation."

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Lesson 5 - learn Spanish with ai

 Let me help you compare the translation with the original Spanish text:

Original Spanish:

"La educación ambiental es fundamental para crear conciencia sobre los desafíos ecológicos actuales. Los jóvenes son agentes de cambio poderosos que pueden inspirar transformaciones significativas en sus comunidades. Mediante programas escolares, proyectos de reciclaje y campañas de conservación, los estudiantes aprenden a valorar los ecosistemas y desarrollan habilidades para proteger el medio ambiente. Su compromiso puede marcar la diferencia en la lucha contra el cambio climático y la preservación de la biodiversidad global."

Your Translation:

"The environmental education is fundamental to create understanding of the actual ecological challenges. The youth are the change agents who would be able to make significant transformations in their communities. Through school programmes, recycling projects and forest conservation, the students learn a lot about the ecosystems and develop habits to protect the environment. They comprehend to understand the difference in the struggle of climate change and the preservation of the global biodiversity."


- "environmental education" → should be "environmental education is"

- "create understanding" → more accurately "create awareness"

- "who would be able" → simplified to "who can"

- "forest conservation" → original says just "conservation campaigns"

- "learn a lot about" → more precisely "learn to value"

- "develop habits" → more accurately "develop skills"

- "They comprehend to understand" → redundant

- Slight deviation from original meaning in the last sentence

A more precise translation would be:

"Environmental education is fundamental to create awareness about current ecological challenges. Young people are powerful change agents who can inspire significant transformations in their communities. Through school programs, recycling projects, and conservation campaigns, students learn to value ecosystems and develop skills to protect the environment. Their commitment can make a difference in the fight against climate change and the preservation of global biodiversity."

Lesson 4 - Learn Spanish with AI

 Original Spanish: "El arte de la cocina tradicional mexicana es mucho más que preparar alimentos. Es una expresión cultural profunda que combina ingredientes locales, técnicas antiguas y rituales familiares. Cada platillo cuenta una historia de tradición, memoria y conexión con la tierra. Los mercados bulliciosos, llenos de colores y aromas, reflejan esta rica herencia culinaria que ha sido reconocida por la UNESCO como patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la humanidad."

Your Translation: "The art of cooking traditional Mexican is much more than preparing food. It is a profound cultural expression that combines local ingredients, old techniques and familiar rituals. Every plate tells a traditional story, memories and connections with the land. The loud markets, with numerous colours and aromas, reflect the rich cultural heritage that has been recognised by UNESCO that intangible cultural heritage of the humanity."


  • "art of cooking traditional Mexican" → should be "art of traditional Mexican cooking"
  • "Every plate" → more accurately "Each dish" (platillo)
  • "a traditional story" → unnecessary addition
  • "that has been recognised by UNESCO that intangible cultural heritage of the humanity" → awkward phrasing
    • Correct version: "recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage of humanity"

A more precise translation would be: "The art of traditional Mexican cooking is much more than preparing food. It is a profound cultural expression that combines local ingredients, ancient techniques, and family rituals. Each dish tells a story of tradition, memory, and connection to the land. The bustling markets, full of colors and aromas, reflect this rich culinary heritage that has been recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage of humanity."

Lesson 3 - Learn Spanish with AI

 La tecnología ha transformado radicalmente la forma en que nos comunicamos. Hace solo veinte años, las llamadas internacionales eran costosas y complicadas. Ahora, con internet y aplicaciones de mensajería, podemos hablar instantáneamente con personas al otro lado del mundo sin gastar casi nada."

Your Translation: "Technology has radically transformed the way we communicate. Twenty year ago, if you had to make international calls it as costly and complicated. Now, with Internet and messenger applications, we can talk instantly with persons on the other side of the world without even leaving the house at all"


  • "Twenty year ago" → should be "Twenty years ago"
  • "it as costly" → should be "it was costly"
  • Added "without even leaving the house at all" - not in original text
  • "persons" → should be "people"

A more precise translation would be: "Technology has radically transformed the way we communicate. Just twenty years ago, international calls were costly and complicated. Now, with internet and messaging applications, we can talk instantly with people on the other side of the world without spending almost anything."

Lesson 2 - Learn Spanish with AI

 "El cambio climático es un desafío global que requiere acción inmediata. Los científicos advierten que si no reducimos las emisiones de carbono, enfrentaremos consecuencias devastadoras. Cada persona puede contribuir mediante pequeños cambios en su vida diaria, como usar transporte público o reciclar."

Your Translation: "The climate change is a global problem the requires immediate attention. The scientists say that if we don't reduce the carbon emissions we face devastating consequences. Every person should start making small changes in their daily lives, like use public transport or use bicycles."


  • "The climate change" → should be "Climate change" (no "the")
  • "the requires" → should be "that requires"
  • "say" → more precisely "warn" (from "advierten")
  • Added "use bicycles" which isn't in the original text
  • "should start" → original implies "can contribute" (a bit softer)

A more precise translation would be: "Climate change is a global challenge that requires immediate action. Scientists warn that if we do not reduce carbon emissions, we will face devastating consequences. Every person can contribute through small changes in their daily lives, such as using public transport or recycling."

Learn Spanish again the AI

 After a hiatus of many years, I want to relearn Spanish. But not sure how much I know. So going to give AI a trial to give me exercises to translate and see how it goes.

This was a paragraph given by Claude sonnet

Mi mejor amiga acaba de regresar de un viaje por Sudamérica. Visitó Argentina, Chile y Perú durante tres meses. Dice que la comida era increíble y que conoció a personas muy amables en cada país. Sus fotografías muestran paisajes impresionantes de las montañas y ciudades antiguas.

And this is my translation.

Your Spanish translation is quite good! Let me provide a few minor corrections and compare your translation with the original:

Original Spanish: "Mi mejor amiga acaba de regresar de un viaje por Sudamérica. Visitó Argentina, Chile y Perú durante tres meses. Dice que la comida era increíble y que conoció a personas muy amables en cada país. Sus fotografías muestran paisajes impresionantes de las montañas y ciudades antiguas."

Your translation: "My best friend is back after a journey to South America. She has visited Argentina, Chile and Peru during the three months. She says that the food there is incredible and that she got to know many good people in every country. Her photographs of these mountains and old cities are impressive."


  • "has visited" → should be "visited" (simple past tense)
  • "the food there" → small unnecessary addition not in original
  • "got to know" is good, matches "conoció"