Wednesday 16 February 2011

So I saw the movie Left Luggage and ended up in tears. Excellent movie and everyone in the movie had done justice to their roles. I liked the protagonist in the movie Chaja. So the trail of "Nunca te vayas sin decir te quiero" led to watching the movie "Left Luggage" and the movie left me emotionally drained. As one grows older ones addictions become obsessions. We become stereotyped. Doing the same thing again and again.

"Nunca te vayas sin decir te quiero" - Never leave without saying I love you.

Wish I can find someone with whom I can practise my spanish.

Yo quiero buscar alguien para practicar mi espanol.

So what am I going to practise today?
Maybe a lesson from Spanish reader.

An Elementary Spanish reader by M. MONTROSE RAMSEY
El Continente Americano - The American Continent.
I would like to type the full lesson and then try to do the translation. So I practise writing spanish and also I can try to understand while I type and then do a translation.
El continente de America constituye un a de las cinco grandes divisiones del globo terrestre. Su extension superficial llega con corta diferencia a quince millones de millas cuadradas, y por consiguiente ocupa un area cuatro veces mas grande que la de Europa. De toda la parte solida de nuestro globo, casi la tercera parte pertenece al continente americano con las islas que dependen de el.
So let me translate this paragraph before moving to the next one.
The American continent constitutes five big divisions in the terrestrial globe. The superficial divisions have short differences and fifteen million square miles, and consequently occupies an area four times much bigger than Europe. Of all the solid part of our land, nearly one-third belongs to the American continent with the islands that depend on it.
Su territorio se extiende sin interrupcion alguna deste Punta Barrow, cuyas rocas se hunden en el Oceano Artico, hasta la extremidad de Patagonia, situada tan solo a treinta grados del Polo Sur.
Its territories extend without interruption from Point Barrow, whose rocks sink in the Arctic Ocean, until the extremity of Patagonia, situated only thirty degrees to the South Pole.

That's it for today. I just now saw that the lesson is very very big. So will continue with the lesson tomorrow.
have a great day.

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