Monday 19 September 2011

La creacion

Translation exercise.
Leccion Primera

La creacion

Dios es el autor de todo lo que vemos.
God is the author of everything we see.
En el principio creo' el cielo y la tierra, separo' la luz de las tinieblas, e' hizo el firmamento;
y separo' las aguas que estaban debajo del firmamento, de las aguas que estaban  sobre el firmamento. Despues creo' el sol y la luna, los planetas y los animales, y por fin al hombre y a ' la muger. Nadie viviria sin el aire y el agua. El dia es hijo del sol; y durante la noche vemos la luna y las estrellas.
On the first day he created the sky and the earth, separated the light from the darkness, made the firmament and separated the water below the firmament, and  of the water which were above the firmament. After this, he created the sun and the moon, the planets and animals and finally he made man and woman. They lived without air and water. In the day, there was the son and during the night we see the moon and the stars.

Las piedras crecen en la tierra, sin raizes: las plantas crecen tambien sobre la tierra, pero tienen raizes, tronco, vastagos, ramas y hojas, que luego producen flores, fruto y semilla, Los pezes nadan en el agua; los pajaros vuelan por los aires; los reptiles se arrastran, y los animales que tienen cuatro patas viven sobre la tierra, y algunos de ellos corren con mucha ligereza. El hombre esta creado a semejanza de Dios, y es el rey de la tierra.
The stones grow in the earth, without roots: the plants grow also above the earth, but they have roots, trunk, stem, branches and leaves, they produce flowers, fruit and seed. The fishes swim in the water; the birds fly in the air, the reptiles crawl, and all the animals that have four feet live above the earth and some of them are very light. The man was created in the likeness of God and is the king of the earth.

Los mundos de luz que giran en el espacio: la inmensidad de los mares: el aguila que se pierde en las nubes, el insecto que no vive sino un dia en la hoja del arbusto, todo prueba la grandeza infinita y la omnipotente sabiduria de Dios.

The worlds of light that rotate in the space: the immensity of the seas: the eagle that are lost in the clouds, the insect that lives no more than a day in a bush leaf, all prove infinite and omnipotent wisdom of God.

Easy to remember words
Dios - God
Mundo - World
espacio - space
inmensidad - immensity
el insecto - the insect
tronco - trunk
prueba - prove
infinita - infinity
omnipotente - omnipotent
Luz - light
tierra - earth
sin - without
viven - they live
principio - first
cielo - sky
sol - sun
luna - moon
planeto - planet
animales - animals
noche - night
dia - day
agua - water
autor - author

That ends this translation exercise.. I found it difficult to start with but once I got the grip of was it was trying to convey and using google translate, I have finished this translation.. What about a picture depicting this? Once I start telling my daughter stories from her story books, I cannot stop myself admiring the artistic work and I wonder when I will be able to produce work like that.. Then I think I have to practise and then again, I have to spend time and Time is premium.. I know I will do it one day, when I become impulsive and say I will do it today no matter what and I am just waiting for that moment.. happy learning!!

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